
Crédito: Dara
Crédito: Dara



Many roads awaited that I did not take
And I wonder if any had held my fate
But who is to say

If words are only heard once spoken
True love is only certain once broken
And then rebuilt

So where is it that we begin?
I guess, it’s always at an end.
End of a road, start of a new
The connection is perfect, but I still can’t see through

And if one day doubt shall keep a room in mind
Please, tell me I am doing just fine.
In a world where night and day are marked and kept by a trick of time
My path is in what He designed.

Many roads awaited that I did not take
But I travel the one that holds my fate
And if only heard the words once spoken
I shall speak for the Love the world has broken.

(Moara F. Lacerda)

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